Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Our Daily Dose of Grace

Today has been hard. Really hard. No naps, a baby who is cutting a lot of teeth at once, and the sibling wars have begun.  In the midst of all the madness, I had both of the girls in the bathtub letting them play to their heart's content and my heart was just filled with sweet memories of today. Nothing less than grace, our day has been full of it.  Actually, every day is, but some days, the hardest ones, seem to have the greatest abundance. It does usually take a still moment, and some of these days, I don't realize our treasures until I am lying in bed rewinding all of my failed mom moments. But today, today was different and just what I needed. 

I failed all day. Miserably failed. My big girl has been needing more mommy time, and my baby has just really been sad. The girls have been fighting over Every. Little. Thing.  It's a growing and trying time for all of us. Even during the tears and tantrums, I am reminded of what little blessings my girls are. 

Today, our little dose of grace came at our attempted nap time (we completely failed at nap). We were all piled up in my bed when Emersyn rolled over and folded her hands and said "Thank you Jesus for EE, mama, daddy, Wei, Peeps, and Lllll (that's Uncle Luke for those who don't understand "Emersyn") I love you, Jesus. Amen." 

Somewhere along the way, we must have done something right.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Happy 9 Months, sweet Edyn!

My BABY turned 9 months old on Sunday, WHERE has the time gone? We had our well check-up yesterday, sweet baby weighed in at 20 lbs 12 oz and is 28 1/2 inches long. She is clearly not missing a meal! She was a little rockstar for me at the doctor's office, and I am in shock that at our next well check-up, I will be visiting with my 1 and 3 year old. Unreal. Completely unreal. 
Our little Edyn is such a sweetheart. She absolutely adores her big sister and wants every single thing that Emersyn has. She wants her toys, her food, and she wants to run around with her.  Edyn is crawling, standing, and taking little steps when she is holding on to something. She said "baby" a few nights ago while reaching for a baby doll, which happens to be her favorite toy. Unlike her sister who prefers cars and trains, Edyn always chooses babies and dolls :) She is so, incredibly sweet and mama is her favorite person, which I am treasuring while it lasts because I know it won't be forever!
Emersyn finally quit calling her sister "eck" and now refers to her as "E-E", and the whole family has adopted this nickname for her :) She has 3 teeth (two on bottom and one on top) and is a fantastic eater. She loves all fruit and will eat anything you put in front of her, and she can drink water from her straw cup.  Big sister teaches her all kinds of fun things and they share such a special little friendship. 
Although it is happening a little fast, I love every second of seeing this sweet baby grow up!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Babies Don't Keep

Amidst all of our daily physical and mental running around, this has been on my heart and mind steadily for the past couple of weeks.  Babies definitely don't keep, they grown like little weeds! I have been in a joyful heartbroken state over how fast my little ones are growing up lately.  I am joyful and thankful that they are healthy and growing like they should (maybe even a little too much!), but so sad that this sweet, precious time is just fleeting! 
Our big girl is completely potty trained- we had about 2 days of training and that was it, she's a little rock star. Granted, she will be 3 in a few months, but I think she just had to be ready. When that time came, it was easy peasy. She has grown up so much since potty training, in so many other areas.  It seems as that was our breakthrough into big girl-dom.  Our baby girl, who isn't too much of a baby anymore, is crawling, pulling up, taking steps, you name it- she's into it! And, boy, has her personality blossomed- she is a go-getter! 
It's as though one day they were babies, the next they were little ladies.  Such sweet blessings in so many ways.  I know just as quickly as these growing up days have passed, the ones in the future will fly by even faster.  I'll take the madness, the fits, and the tears because I am learning tomorrow will bring more challenges with babies who are even further from their baby days :) With each day that passes, I am more and more in awe that God chose me to love and nurture these sweet girls! I sure did nothing to deserve being a mom at all, especially not to these two!

By the way- if you've been waiting for more of the "Blog Hop Wednesday" posts, let's just be real one moment. I totally skipped week #2, I couldn't get past the post to think of any more to write, then I quit getting the topics- maybe they kicked me out?! Who knows, but I am horrible with keeping up with moms who are disciplined enough to think it, blog it, and write something decent enough to present it to the world in a decent time frame.  I am convinced everyone else doing this study has grown kids....FAILURE! But, I am loving the devotion :)