Thursday, October 23, 2014

Marathon Training Update

I am always hesitant to post anything related to this marathon training, afraid to "jinx" the ease of the training thus far. However, it's gone well and no matter what happens from here on out, I'm confident we will make it to the start line on December 13!
I always get a lot of questions about how I train, what plan I follow, etc- some of you guys think I know what I am doing, I really have no idea :) I simply run, and try to make each run productive. I don't do "junk" miles, what mom with 2 little ones has time for "junk" miles?! Not I.  I don't follow a plan created by a marathon master, my husband creates a little excel sheet with a rough training plan and I loosely follow that.  My runs are dictated by my two little bosses- when they are happy, tired, well, and more all plays into when/if our runs happen.  
Despite all of the uncertainties of training, it has actually gone really well. Now, I am NOWHERE near the speed I used to be, a PR is certainly out of the question this time around. Speed work will go into the equation if we have a "next time".  I have managed to avoid injuries, and am recovering remarkably well. I ran 18 miles last Saturday, and was able to pick up on Monday with a 9 miler pushing the girls in the jogger. I don't feel like I am over-training, so maybe I have found my mileage sweet spot.  
I would not post this if it really was not what I feel is my secret to recovery and injury prevention- ESSENTIAL OILS. I am not kidding, once again they are amazing. I take an epsom salt bath with oils post long runs, use a massage oil after every run and keep my Achilles lathered up to prevent injury there- it got tender when I started increasing mileage, however the pain has almost completely disappeared. Seriously amazing. Here's a little glimpse into my favorites. If you need these (if you are active at all, I promise you do) let me know :)

I was hesitant to train with my girls being so little, but I am glad I accepted the challenge. I love the conversations and sing-a-longs we have on our runs and hope they accept physical activity as a norm in their own lives. I don't feel like I spend unnecessary time away from them logging miles, they get special time with Lance on the weekend while I get a long run and quiet time, which is therapy for a mama! I am anxious to get over the 20 miler hump and see what this marathon has in store!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Our First Bike!

The past week at our home has been blissful (minus the baby coming down with a NASTY cold- hallelujah for the oils!). Wei and Peeps have been visiting and it has gone by extremely too fast. We are so thankful we got to visit with both of them and Peeps now has a much healthier back and is back in full fun mode :) 
The girls adore Wei and Peeps, and speaking on the grandparent's behalf I am pretty sure the feeling is mutual. Our big girl has been asking Peeps for a bike for a while now and Peeps was not going to disappoint. After big girl mailed her pacis off to the "little babies" and filled up a sticker chart for being a good girl for a week, a bike was the first thing on the agenda for the visit.  
Oh my goodness, my big girl grew up so much climbing on this big kid bike. She rides  it like she stole it, she is so strong! She has slept and eaten dinner while wearing her bike helmet, I would say she loves it. We have had some rain, mud, and cool weather so we have turned our garage into an indoor bike riding facility :) I would guess there's a few miles on the bike already!
Baby sister has had a blast this week, too. Although we are finishing it up with a pitiful sick baby, I am so thankful for the extra hands to help out.  She is coming out of this visit with a whole crew of new baby dolls :) 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Happy 10 Months!

Baby sister recently hit her 10 month milestone, and is such a big girl! She gets a little sweeter with each day that passes. She loves to play with her big sister more than anything, I love the little  bond they share :) She is taking more consecutive steps before falling every day, she's going to be running in no time! Big sister taught her to say "thank you" and she is a pro at doing "touchdown!" with her arms (we like football just a little in our home ;) ) We are getting better with night time sleep, but naps are getting shorter. This girl loves baby dolls so much, and will pick them to play over anything else.  Every day is such a joy watching our sweet baby grow up into such a big girl. I am so thankful to be this girl's mama!