Monday, November 3, 2014

Toxic Life

So, earlier today I told you all about two sweet babies who have my heart, now I have to share a big topic that has been on my heart. Maybe you can relate, maybe it will get your wheels spinning, or maybe you just think I am crazy. Any of the above are fine :) My head and heart have been so wrapped up in all of the TOXIC things we do every single day.  I used to think ignorance was bliss, then it was slowly revealed to me that ignorance is not bliss, it's just being ignorant. Bliss is being informed. So, I have set out to slowly learn and absorb all that  I can in hopes to make our lives less toxic.  Some things are far from our control at this point, but there are so many changes we can make. 
If you know me at all, you know I am a nutrition/exercise/healthy lifestyle warrior. I don't take excuses, and I can't stand the mainstream view on "nutrition". Until recently, I had never really dug into our food supply and the real truths that are hiding. It's a work in progress, but we are learning a lot and making many changes along the way. Part of me wants to move out into the country with a few cows and chickens and grow every single thing that we eat, BUT I realize that is a little far fetched :) We will make our little changes and shop more mindful of what we are going to be eating. It's sad we have to work so hard to uncover truth.  I encourage you to LEARN as much as you can, so much of what we are eating is making us sick- and I don't just mean the tummy aches from too much Halloween candy!
Obviously another area that struck home was what we were doing for our health and wellness, and our big switch to essential oils. Such a blessing! We not only use oils for ailments and sickness, but also to clean the house, wash our face, for our toothpaste, etc.  Just think about everything that goes on your skin, and all the toxins your skin is absorbing and directing into your body, it makes my body hurt a bit! We also use oils in leiu of scented air fresheners and candles- yep they are toxic, too. Did you know scented pine cones are toxic?! For. The. Love! Thankfully we can make that scent in our diffuser all day :)

My nearest and dearest, anyone who likes this little blog, I just want to give you something to think about. Be thankful I have little ones pulling at my arms while I share with you :) I don't want to write a novel with studies and citing all of the carcinogens in our homes that we are devouring and breathing in every day, because that would just make us all a little crazy! Be aware, and be informed- don't live in ignorance. Lots of fun "less toxic" things are happening right now, if you want more direction. Plus, I like to chat about it! And, friends, get yourself some oils! :)

Halloween and 11 Months

When you get really behind, you start grouping big events together. Hence, we are going to cram our Halloween costumes and Edyn's 11 month celebration into one blog! Let's start with baby girl- 11 months?!?! WHEN did this happen? In just a few weeks, our baby will celebrate her first birthday. I am so thankful for all of the joy and happiness she brings our family every single day.  I could never feel unwanted or unloved because this sweet girl will not let me out of her sight! I love her snuggles and cuddles, and am thankful I have two big cuddlers now. She is starting to act more and more like big sister each day, we have two strong willed sisters! 
Edyn Rose absolutely adores her big sister and puppy brother, Bo. She wakes up asking for Bo every morning and will cry her little heart out if he tries to hide under the blankets from her sweet loving- I can't imagine why. Besides "Bo", she can say "thank you" and the usual "mama" and "dada".  She is SO sweet. She has the sweetest little cackling laugh! In the nursery at church, she lives in an umbrella stroller being pushed around until she falls asleep- I guess we can blame all of mommy's runs on that! She thinks Mickey and Elmo are great, but nothing can compete with her adoration of her big sis. She loves baby dolls and brushing her teeth. Her happiest time of day is in the bath tub! She wants to grow big like sis way too soon, but mommy wants time to slow down a bit!

Halloween was this past weekend, I really can't stand avid Halloween decorators.  We have had to avoid a certain route to the doughnut shop-stop that judging, we are marathon training here- this past month because a car wash down from our house that has a giant, waving monkey out front (who Em is convinced is her BFF) had a scary mask on that made Em cry! On our running route, I had to distract my girls so they didn't notice the GUILLOTINE in the front yard- seriously, people! However, we do love candy and it is such a fun age to dress up! I couldn't bring myself to a store bought costume, because in my fantasy world I am really crafty :) Like every other time, though, Wei came to the rescue with precious little costumes that jumped right out of my mind and into her sewing room. Our girls were Curious George and The Man in the Yellow Hat (I guess that is his proper name?!) They were super cuties, although once we began trick or treating, the yellow hat girl wouldn't wear the yellow hat. They are so much fun! So glad that holiday is over, bring on Christmas (yes, our tree went up Nov 1!)