Hello, world. If you've known me a while, then you have been around for my series of blogs- this makes #4 and can hopefully transition throughout the changes in our seasons of life. I started blogging about marathon training when I ran my first Boston marathon (I say first because I hope there is a second SOMEWHERE in my future!), then I moved on to telling about loving Lance and our wedded bliss, and the most recent was all about our little family and our first child. Poor baby #2 has had no attention and I missed the outlet, so here we are.
Here is a little about me. I grew up in a small town in Alabama. I am Southern from my head to my toes and "y'all" and "bless your heart" are all over my vocabulary. I live in Missouri now, but have also lived in central Pennsylvania. I never ever imagined in my small town mind I would be so well traveled, but here we are and I have been blessed every step of the way. I have been married to my husband, Lance, for four years and we have two amazing little girls, Emersyn and Edyn. We also have a crazy dog, BoJackson, who drives me bananas every second of the day, yet somehow I would feel terrible for leaving him out of this family introduction. I am a stay at home mom- it never makes sense to me how something that I have always wanted, that is so wonderful and fulfilling, makes me completely crazy and in tears most days! I wouldn't trade being home with my babies for anything in the world, our days are full of giggles, tears, two year old fits and more grace than I ever deserve! I love my family and wish I could have my whole extended family under
one big, giant roof. I love big family holidays! I love Jesus and am
just amazed at this life He has blessed me with, I wonder why I am so
blessed all of the time, then just spend every minute I have in complete
thanksgiving. I love to exercise, running is my favorite- however,
running with screaming babies isn't my favorite so many days we resort
to basement Shaun T workouts, he's our second favorite :) I am a
nutrition nut and food snob. I carry, deliver, and raise babies in much
more of a hippie sense than I ever thought I would, and I love it. I
have a degree in nutrition and enjoyed every second of studying it, but I
wouldn't hesitate telling you my main priority in college was finding a
husband- which I did! I worked as a personal trainer and group fitness
instructor since I was in college until I was pregnant with baby Edyn,
then the politics and drama just got way too much for my pregnant
emotional state. I am extremely OCD and not a spur of the moment gal at
all. I love cleaning and my Rainbow vacuum cleaner more than any woman
should. I am just so thankful for this life,and hope I can use it to
glorify God every single day. I'm really good at talking about my babies- so here ya go.
Our little Emersyn graced our world in November 2011, 3 days after she was due and has turned our world upside down. She is strong willed, high energy, passionate, tender hearted, spirited, and just makes our days happier and brighter. She has a huge personality and gives the best kisses. She would live outside in the dirt with the neighborhood dogs if we let her. She is our sidekick whenever we exercise, and she is a strong as an ox! She is a leader and marches to her own beat, I love this so much about her. She would eat MY weight in cookie dough if I allowed, and shares my baking passion. The girl loves a KitchenAid :) she is a housewife on training as she loves to cook, clean, and take care of laundry. She is more OCD and a stronger type A personality than I realized was possible :) she is just now talking a lot, at almost 2 1/2 years old simply because she could get by just fine up until now grunting like Curious George (who happens to be her fave) I just love this girl to pieces and never thought I could love another the same, then came our Edyn...
Edyn Rose blessed our hearts by joining us on her due date this past November. She was the exact same size as her big sis at birth and looked almost identical, however we immediately could tell she was much more laid back. I had no idea normal babies sleep when they are new?! She adores her big sister and is always comforted by her presence. She is such a sweet baby! She is a little rotten and demands to be held when her daddy is in sight :) she isn't a fan of sleep- I mean, who would want to sleep in this house, too many exciting things are happening! She absolutely despises going for runs in the jogger (hoping this changes when she can be out of her car seat and by her sisters side) and loves to eat, hence the many chubby rolls! Edyn has the sweetest little spirit and the saddest little pout. I can't wait to watch her grow up big :)
I could babble on about them all day :) Those two girls plus their daddy are my superstars, and I couldn't do life without them. Clearly I am a family girl.
I cannot promise what you may or may not see in this blog in the future, but I hope a little glimpse into our daily life can at least bring you a chuckle and encouragement. Now, let's hope you don't have to wait 6 months on a new post.
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