Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Where to Start?

Happy hump day, it's Wednesday and we are back on track with an oily word. I seriously just love oils, love them to pieces. You will, too, you just have to know where to start. 
This is totally my opinion, it's how my family approached oils and where I have seen friends and family have the most success using essential oils. Most of you reading this know that Young Living has an amazingly awesome deal where you can purchase a starter kit of 11 essential oils, a diffuser, and samples for a fraction of the retail price if you were to buy it all separately. And, if you know a little bit about oils and it's not a completely foreign idea to you, start there- dive on in and embrace it! However, if you are just hearing about essential oils and the thought of having ELEVEN oils to think about just blows your mind, start small. It's perfectly fine, no sin in the oil world= I encourage this. Find one oil you think could really help you; for instance, if you have headaches and have to pop an OTC med to get through the day, try peppermint- just peppermint. Hold it, smell it, use it and get comfortable with it. Maybe you want to try one or two more and get comfortable with how to use them safely,  then go for all 11 oils and a diffuser. It will change your life and you will appreciate these little pieces of heaven so much. No one should have a box of oils sitting on a shelf and not using them, and I am seeing this happen way too often. It breaks my heart, really. 
I don't like to use the phrase "I sell oils". I don't like it one bit, actually. My job is to get an oil in your home, every home of every person that I love and care about because we all need it. I hate toxins, I hate the diseases they are linked to and the disruptions they cause to our body's natural chemistry, and I hate seeing people I know and love dealing with effects of toxins. So here I am, "sharing" oils with you because I care about YOUR health and well-being. One oil, eleven oils, or a hundred, just embrace it and start somewhere :)
If you are reading this and are on Facebook, I have an oil page. "Like" it for more frequent posts than Wednesdays on the blog! Follow this link:

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