Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Country Visit

I am writing to you from a lime green sewing/craft room in the middle of a lot of land on top of a little hill in the sweetest little town of Corner, AL. The girls and I are in- what we refer to as- the country :) Lance drove us down this past weekend for a little visit with my family, and it has been fabulous.  My girls, and even the crazy dog, are in heaven here.  Emersyn would live and sleep outside with the dogs and the horse if we allowed.  It's just our little piece of heaven.
What does a day in the country look like? Well, a lot of outside time, and a lot of love.  Emersyn and her Wei can feed the birds, dog, and horse for hours. She loves to explore and find little "treasures", check on baby birds, water plants, play with the dogs, listen for new creature sounds, kill spiders, boss around the bugs, and a new favorite this year is the swimming pool :) Edyn gets held and loved on by everyone- as much as big sister allow,  I fulfill my love for cooking and feeding a big family, and we have special guests and visitors daily who come to love on us. It's just lovely and we feel so warm inside :) 

In the country, there is a lot of grass and trees- much more than we see out of our windows in the suburbs of St. Peters, MO.  There are frogs, a lot of stray dogs that have been given a forever home, and birds that feast on the many bird feeders Wei supplies.  It's just a big, loving family out here and I can't get enough of it.
This is the one place I swore that I would never, ever come back to after I graduated and had the first chance to get out of this small town. Now, it's my first choice when we are choosing a getaway.  I am so thankful for this little town. I am thankful for all of the family and friends and family- friends who are here and have helped raise me.  I am so thankful my little family can make special trips back here and our girls can have a little taste of this special place.  Thank you, Corner, AL, for being so special and wonderful.  I feel like I am getting a great big hug every time our car turns on to County Line Road :) 
Here's a little taste of country life...

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Brain Dead

I'm in a rut. I think it is a sleep deprivation, my- brain's- most- stimulation- is- from- Sesame Street, kind of rut.  I can't even think of anything exciting to share here, or maybe we are just that boring :) 
Let's see, my biggest decision this past week has been whether or not to buy another laundry basket so I wouldn't have to fold clothes as frequently... pretty pathetic, huh? I despise folding clothes. 
Our girls have been just as precious as ever. My baby is approaching her SIX month mark, I am in complete disbelief.  The past six months have flown by! And we are dabbling in potty training with the two year old- exciting times at our house, folks.  Here's a little glimpse into our day :) We love to "wead books", "pay with Eck" (Eck is what Em has called her sister from day one- the girl has an imagination), and teach her to "woll over".

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

My mama is one in a million, I know everyone says that, but mine really is the greatest.  I have looked up to her from day one and always wanted nothing more than to be a mom just like her.  She is still teaching me daily, and I am so thankful God chose her to be my mom. 

The only thing better than being my mom's daughter, is being given the chance to be my girl's mom :) They are the absolute best. I am not the best mom, and most days I am not even a good mom, but these girls are my greatest gift ever. 

I have had a heavy heart all week leading up to Mother's Day this year because I have too many very close and special people in my life who I know are hurting a little today. Some desire so badly to be a mom, but they just aren't having an easy time getting there. For others, their mom has abandoned their family, while some have had to say goodbye to their mom here on Earth and can't hug their mom in person this year. My sweet friends, you know who you are and please know you have been in my prayers all week.
Happy Mother's Day, friends, I hope you all have a blessed day and are thankful for those sweet blessings that made us mommies :) I already slept in thirty minutes past baby girl and am planning a shower later today- it's an exciting day at our house!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Can We Just Pause for a Second?

Here lately, I have found myself wishing we had a pause button for everyday life. Just simply so I can cherish and record all of the precious things my babes are doing.  Time is so sweet and precious around here.  
My two year old is into everything blue "bue". It began with our neighbors dog, who isn't blue, but named Blue. Then, our obsession with blue jays and our mama bird who built a nest on our back patio.  She loves to play pretend and is the best kissies giver in the whole world.  The girl  loves nothing more than outside playtime and a big, chocolate cupcake (mostly the icing!).  She is so strong- willed, a terrific problem solver, and so tender hearted.  Love her to little bitty pieces.
Baby sister loves everything big sis does- she thinks she is the funniest person around. Baby girl has a contagious giggle and has discovered the dog- he's pretty silly, too.  Her big blue eyes hold my heart. She absolutely despises her car seat- that makes a grocery run feel like an eternity! 
Some days may be really long, but when everyone is tucked in bed, I can't help but stare at their sweet little faces.  I am so thankful for these little blessings who are growing up way too quickly!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Our lovely little season of life

Our days are full of baby squeals and two year old tantrums. Daddy is doing awesome things at his job and mommy is kicking off her own business adventure. The dog is still just as crazy as ever :) This is our life right now, and as crazy as some of the days can be, I'm learning to whole heartily enjoy every second- even when the two year old is screaming her head off for a two inch baby doll in the check out line at Wal Mart while every stranger around us is glaring with their judgmental "my child would NEVER do that" look (yeah right like your kids never acted like this!) while you try and parent to the best of your ability in this horrifying moment :) We were there today! While the fit is going on, the baby decides she's been in the car seat way too long now and needs to join the screaming chorus. Oh me, oh my. But, boy, is time fleeting and these girls are growing up way too fast. I want to just sit and savor the moments with them, even the meltdown moments because I know the problems will just get more realistic and heart breaking as the years add on. I love the little seasons we go through as a family :) Now, at the end of the day when my two little love bugs are being silly in their matching monogrammed jammies, our earlier problems seem such a distant memory- ah, grace! 
Beautiful weather is headed our way for the weekend, so we are planning lots of swing set time, bubbles, flower planting, and grilled dinners. Our family wishes your family many fun weekend memories!